Tuesday, May 29, 2018

[LinttCode]The Barycentre Of The Trees

这道题和Fermat Point of Graphs是一样的,我们先选取任意节点当根节点,比如编号为0的节点,我们计算在这个情况下每个以i为根的subtree的size,记为size[i]。显而易见的是,size[i]  = sum(size[j]) + 1,j为i的子节点。我们用第一次DFS构建size数组。之后第二次我们同样从0号节点开始DFS,那么以r节点为根节点的情况下,r的所有子树中size最大的那一个res[r] = max(max(size[j]), N - size[i]),j是i的子节点,N为节点总数。我们取res中最大的那一个即可。

class Solution {
* @param x: The vertexes of the edges
* @param y: The vertexes of the edges
* @return: Return the index of barycentre
int getBarycentre(vector<int> &x, vector<int> &y) {
//pick random node r as root and start dfs from it, size[i] represent the
//size of subtree with i as its root.
//size[i] = sum(size[j] + 1), where j is i's child
//max subtree size when we pick i as root = max(max(size[j]), N - size[i]),
//where j is root of i in first dfs, N is total # of nodes
int N = x.size() + 1;
vector<int> sz(N + 1, 0);
vector<vector<int>> g(N + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i)
int u = x[i], v = y[i];
getSize(g, sz, 0, 1);
int res = -1, minSize = N;
getRes(g, sz, 0, 1, res, minSize);
return res;
void getSize(vector<vector<int>>& g, vector<int>& sz, int from, int to)
sz[to] = 1;
for (const auto& adj : g[to])
if (adj != from)
getSize(g, sz, to, adj);
sz[to] += sz[adj];
void getRes(vector<vector<int>>& g, vector<int>& sz, int from, int to, int& res, int& minSize)
int currSize = 0, N = g.size() - 1;
for (const auto& adj : g[to])
if (adj != from)
getRes(g, sz, to, adj, res, minSize);
currSize = max(currSize, sz[adj]);
currSize = max(currSize, N - sz[to]);
if (currSize < minSize || currSize == minSize && to < res)
res = to;
minSize = currSize;

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