Saturday, January 17, 2015

[LeetCode]Substring with Concatenation of All Words

一般要找满足条件的substring或者substring的长度想法一般都是双指针,右指针每一次移动一个单位长度,然后左指针根据情况来决定如何移动。已此题为例,由于string的array里可能存在重复的string,所以首先我们需要一个basemap来记录每个string出现的最多次数,一个currmap来记录到目前为止在basemap里的元素那些出现了,出现了多少次,之后还需要一个count的变量来记录是不是string的array里面所有的元素都出现过了,因为有重复元素的话map的size不是array的长度。在这里右指针每次移动的单位步长是string array里string的长度step。根据右指针的移动分以下几种情况:

  • 如果[right,right + step]的substring不在basemap中,left到right + step去,因为从left到right + step之前都不能满足要求
  • 如果[right,right + step]的substring在basemap中,更新currmap和count之后,如果currmap对应的string出现不大于basemap中的值,看count是否等于string array的长度,等于的话加入结果集
  • 如果[right,right + step]的substring在basemap中,更新currmap和count之后,如果currmap对应的string出现大于basemap中的值,左移left直到对应string在currmap的值等于basemap的值,看count是否等于string array的长度,等于的话加入结果集
注意为了不遗漏解,以上过程要从0 - step - 1开始的index全部进行一次,时间复杂度是O(n / step * step) == O(n),线性时间复杂度,代码如下:
public class Solution {
public List<Integer> findSubstring(String S, String[] L) {
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (S == null || L == null || L.length == 0)
return res;
int step = L[0].length(), len = S.length(), dictSize = L.length;
if (step == 0)
return res;
HashMap<String, Integer> baseMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < dictSize; i++) {
if (!baseMap.containsKey(L[i]))
baseMap.put(L[i], 1);
baseMap.put(L[i], baseMap.get(L[i]) + 1);
//scan each word with length of step
for (int i = 0; i < step; i++) {
int count = 0;
HashMap<String, Integer> currMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int left = i;
//right pointer move to the start of next word with length of step
for (int right = i; right <= len - step; right += step) {
String curr = S.substring(right, right + step);
//if word is not in dictionary
if (!baseMap.containsKey(curr)) {
count = 0;
left = right + step;
//in dictionary
} else {
if (!currMap.containsKey(curr))
currMap.put(curr, 1);
currMap.put(curr, currMap.get(curr) + 1);
//if num of words exceed the num of word int dictionary, move left until the num of that word decrease by 1
if (currMap.get(curr) > baseMap.get(curr)) {
String temp;
do {
temp = S.substring(left, left + step);
currMap.put(temp, currMap.get(temp) - 1);
if (currMap.get(temp) == 0)
left += step;
if (count == dictSize)
return res;

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